Financial Assistance

At Prime Time Medical Training, we understand that not every student can afford to pay tuition and related expenses upfront. That’s why our Student Success team is committed to helping qualified students access the financial assistance options available to them.

Qualified students may be eligible for funding support through programs like the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), CareerForce, and other local partners and sponsors.

Each funding source has specific requirements and an application process that operates independently of our admissions process. Please keep in mind that the timeline for approval varies for each program, and some processes may take several weeks.

We encourage you to contact these sponsors early and begin fulfilling their requirements, which might include workshops, proof of income, or additional documentation. Once you start the process, keep us informed so that we can assist you as needed.

Have questions? Text us at 888-585-0725 to connect with one of our Student Success team members. You’re also welcome to stop by during office hours to speak with someone in person.

  1. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA provides funding for career training to individuals who qualify, helping them gain valuable skills in high-demand industries. Check with your local WIOA provider to learn more about eligibility and application steps.
  2. CareerForce. CareerForce offers career counseling and financial assistance for eligible residents pursuing job training in healthcare and other high-demand fields. Visit a CareerForce location or go online to learn about their application process and requirements. Click here for Anoka County CareerForce inquiry form.
  3. In-House Payment Plans. Click here to download our latest payment plans at Prime Time Medical Training.
  4. Denefits. Defefits provides custom payment plans to make tuition payments more manageable. Click here to learn about all their options.

Remember, these funding programs are here to support your path to success, and we’re here to help guide you through the process!